Sunday Service: 10:30AM - Online
Campus Ministry

“Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quotes has a powerful effect on customers and makes them trust you.”
— Anne Craven, Director
“Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quotes has a powerful effect on customers and makes them trust you.”
— Coleman Scott, Lay Minister
Campus Ministry Interns
For the past thirteen years, St. Alban's Chapel has supported a "Campus Ministry Interns" program that provides a team of carefully chosen students with a leadership experience in the church is designed to help equip them for future ministry. This team of students works with the chaplain to cultivate a joyful community of students at St. Alban's Chapel that will, in turn, attract other students. The presence of these interns insures that the mission of St. Alban's Chapel is inspired, shaped, and led by current students. They also help to clarify the chaplain's role as the priest for the congregation.
Our campus ministry interns attend Sunday evening worship (recharge!) and dinner, the weekly "Lunch with C. S. Lewis", and other student events that they organize and lead. They meet weekly with the chaplain for supervision, Bible study, and prayer. The internship program is designed to help this small group of students to experience and reflect upon real ministry situations, especially ones that involve failure, in order to identify their own strengths and weaknesses, and to more fully prepare for a life of joyful service to Jesus Christ. They learn to function as members of the St. Alban’s Chapel staff, thoughtfully and prayerfully working alongside with every other member of the staff. Any student interested in this ministry should speak with the chaplain.